
The Blueprint To $100k/mo

The Blueprint To $100k/mo

Scroll down to get resources + downloads to help grow your bottom line using these 4 tactics…

Strategy #1:

Strategy #1:

Offer Upgrades

Use the chart to determine the perfect price for your upgrade

Find your product's price in the far-left column.

See the middle column for our suggest upgrade price based on SamCart data.

The far-right column will tell you what percentage of customers should take the upgrade.

Find your product's price in the far-left column.

See the middle column for our suggest upgrade price based on SamCart data.

The far-right column will tell you what percentage of customers should take the upgrade.

Watch Vanessa's Case Study

Hear Vanessa Santos' full story in the video on the left. Vanessa was able to collect $14,000 in revenue on Day 1 of launching her new community.

She collected more than $8,600 of that revenue through offering one simple upgrade!

Strategy #2:

Strategy #2:

Order Bumps

Below is a Chat GPT prompt you can use to write your own Order Bump pitch. Copy & paste this into Chat GPT, and then follow the tutorial below to launch your own Order Bumps.

Write a 3-sentence sales pitch for my product as an order bump. A great order bump is 50-200 characters. Focus on benefits of my product, not about my product or my business. The sales copy should quickly explain the benefits and emotional impact that the customer will receive.

No adverbs. No buzzwords. Simple language.

Write me 3 variations.
My Product =
My Target customer =
Retail Price =
Discounted price =
Main Product benefit =

Write a 3-sentence sales pitch for my product as an order bump. A great order bump is 50-200 characters. Focus on benefits of my product, not about my product or my business. The sales copy should quickly explain the benefits and emotional impact that the customer will receive.

No adverbs. No buzzwords. Simple language.

Write me 3 variations.
My Product =
My Target customer =
Retail Price =
Discounted price =
Main Product benefit =

Write a 3-sentence sales pitch for my product as an order bump. A great order bump is 50-200 characters. Focus on benefits of my product, not about my product or my business. The sales copy should quickly explain the benefits and emotional impact that the customer will receive.

No adverbs. No buzzwords. Simple language.

Write me 3 variations.
My Product =
My Target customer =
Retail Price =
Discounted price =
Main Product benefit =

Strategy #3:

Strategy #3:

Stored Credit Cards

Skip to the 55:20 mark of this video to see how easy stored credit cards are for your visitors.

Get a live demo of stored cards, and one-click purchasing through Apple Pay. You will understand why SamCart's newest checkouts are converting 51% higher than our older ones.

Strategy #4:

Strategy #4:

Cart Abandonment

Watch the Cart Abandonment tutorial

See exactly how SamCart can automate your Cart Abandonment, and win back these lost sales that are so close to buying.

3 Cart Abandonment Strategies

Download the PDF below, then watch this tutorial to see the how to put these 3 Cart Abandonment campaigns into action.

Free Download:

Free Download:

Free Download:

3 Cart Abandonment Campaigns

3 Cart Abandonment Campaigns

3 Cart Abandonment Campaigns

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Prime technology can revolutionize your enterprise. Implement our CheckoutOS for your merchandise sales today. Click the following button and grant SamCart a no-charge test run.

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